Thursday, December 20, 2007

isn't He wonderful!

ella took part in the koala class Christmas Production yesterday. really, i shouldn't have used capital letters, because it was a very low-key little number done during chapel time. it was cute though- with mrs. dutton narrating and the kids in their turn replying to her narrative 'isn't He wonderful!'
ella was a shepard, which she wasn't particularly thrilled about initially. she had been out sick for the week prior and all the "good" parts (read: mary) were taken.
when we showed up, the kids were getting into their costumes, so i stuck around to take a couple of shots. seen here is our shepard, surrounded by her two beaus- adam p. (shepard number two) and marcus (king number one). notice possible beau number three looking over her shoulder. and have you ever seen a cuter, more feminine shepard???

once the kids were dressed, josiah and i headed over to the sanctuary to wait for the grand entrance. he entertained himself by...what else...sucking on his fingers.


and of course, cast & crew at curtain call...

1 comment:

Michele said...

What a cute little ham! She and Gwen are definitely related. Also, love the Josiah pics. I'm getting one, right?